Biocosmetici franchising
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Biocosmetici Franchising - Affiliated you to the experience
Franchising expresses in contractual form the appointment to a continuous collaboration between Biocosmetici Franchisor and its Franchisee. Biocosmetici grants the rights of use of the logo and the insignia, of the know-how and of the tools of corporate identity and contemporarily it offers a whole technical services, directs to create a stable and profitable relationship of partnership between Franchisee and Firm.

What we offer:
A leader mark, present from over 10 years in the field
Exclusive of zone (to verify by chance case)
Formation, updating and assistance
Evolution and continuous innovation of the offered services
Possibility to commission services to the other affiliate with particular discounts
Institutional publicity and indirect publicity given by the visibility of the mark of the other affiliate
Possibility of enjoy accords and conventions particularly advantageous
Assistance and information on the Italian and European normative, in the automotive field

What we need
A right of entrance "one-tantum"
A monthly Royalties

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Evit Group